All the data and information in this catalog are only recommendations for the best achievement of our products.
MG Indústria e Comércio S/A and MG Tires USA are not responsible for any consequences due to mishandling and/or misuse in inadequate environments of the products hereby presented.
Our tires are designed exclusively for use in karting racing. We recommend that the tires be stored inside closed packages, well protected from the light, humidity and high temperatures; away from chemical products and be mounted according to the instructions of our catalog or our website home page and in compatible vehicles in conformity with the suggested air pressure. The technical specifications of every product listed in this catalog came from laboratory tests under ideal serviceable conditions. They are, therefore, subject to changes or alterations like: improper shipment an/or storage, technical track and/or ground conditions, weather, improper tire mounting and/or air pressure contrary to our catalog or our website home page; inappropriate driving and/or maneuvers; vehicles collision and or abnormal outline; utilization in conditions that exceed the recommended limits; and other unexpected hypotheses.